Architecture Dictionary - An Architecture Reference

Architecture Dictionary

An expanding reference on the subject of architecture with words and definitions related to the built environment, its history, and those esoteric words your architect friends use 😎

Jargon of the day: transient

Not occurring for long.


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Terms (1233)

  • a/c
  • a/c condenser
  • abacus
  • abandoned property
  • abbey
  • abutment
  • abutter
  • accent
  • accoloade
  • accouplement
  • acoustics
  • acropolis
  • activate the space
  • activity
  • ada
  • adapted plant 
  • added antimicrobial treatment
  • addendum
  • additional dwelling unit (ADU)
  • adjacencies
  • adjacent site
  • adobe
  • aedicule
  • aesthetic
  • agent
  • aggregate
  • agora
  • agreement
  • aisle
  • alcazar
  • allowance(s)
  • allée
  • alterations
  • alternate bid
  • alternative daily cover (ADC)
  • alternative fuel
  • alternative water source
  • amalaka
  • amalgamation
  • ambiguity
  • ambulatory
  • amphitheater
  • annual sunlight exposure (ASE)
  • anomaly
  • anta
  • ante-choir
  • anthropogenic
  • anthropology
  • anthropometry
  • anthropomorphism
  • apadana
  • application for payment
  • appurtenance
  • apse
  • arabesque
  • araeosystyle
  • arbor
  • arcade
  • arch
  • architect
  • architect-engineer
  • architects basic services
  • architectural drawing
  • architrave
  • archway
  • arcology
  • arcuate
  • area median income
  • area wells
  • arris
  • arrowslit
  • articulate
  • articulation
  • as-built drawings
  • ase1000,250
  • ashlar
  • assemblage
  • assembly
  • astragal
  • atlas
  • atrium
  • attendance boundary
  • attic
  • attic window
  • automated dynamic façade systems
  • average LED intensity (ALI)
  • average rated flush volume
  • axis
  • back charge
  • backfill
  • background
  • backing
  • baffle
  • bake oven
  • balance
  • balconet
  • balcony
  • baldachin
  • ball flower
  • ballast
  • balloon framed wall
  • baluster
  • balustrade
  • balustrade
  • banal
  • baptistery
  • barge
  • barge board
  • bargeboard
  • bartizan
  • base
  • base building
  • base/baseboard
  • baseline building performance
  • baseline condition
  • baseline water consumption
  • basement
  • basilica
  • basis of design (BOD)
  • bat
  • batter
  • battlement
  • bay
  • bay window
  • beam
  • bearing header
  • bearing partition
  • bearing point
  • bearing wall
  • bedrock
  • belfry
  • bell roof
  • belvedere
  • bema
  • bench table
  • berm
  • bespoke
  • bicycle network
  • bicycling distance
  • bid
  • bid bond
  • bid date/time
  • bid form
  • bid opening
  • bid price
  • bid shopper
  • bid tabulation
  • bidding documents
  • bidding period
  • bidding requirements
  • bifurcate
  • bim
  • bio-based material
  • blackwater
  • blasé
  • blind
  • blobitecture
  • block length
  • blowdown
  • blue print(s)
  • blue stake
  • board-and-batten
  • bond
  • bonding company
  • boomburb
  • bosket
  • bossage
  • bousillage
  • boutant
  • bow window
  • brace
  • bracket
  • breaker panel
  • breezeway
  • bressummer
  • bridging
  • brise-soleil
  • brownfield
  • brownfield land
  • brusselization
  • brutalism
  • btu
  • budget (construction)
  • bug rating
  • buildable land
  • building
  • building code
  • building envelope
  • building exterior
  • building inspector/official
  • building interior
  • building permit
  • building process
  • built-up roof
  • bullseye window
  • bulwark
  • bus rapid transit
  • butterfly roof
  • buttress
  • caisson
  • campanile
  • cancellus
  • cantilever
  • cantilever
  • cantilevered void
  • capital
  • caravansary
  • carbon offset
  • caryatid
  • casement window
  • catalyst
  • catenary
  • cathedral
  • cauliculus
  • cavity wall
  • ceiling
  • ceiling joist
  • celebrate
  • cella
  • cenotaph
  • cfm (cubic feet per minute)
  • chain of custody (CoC)
  • chaitya
  • chalciducum
  • chalet
  • chancel
  • chandrashala
  • change order
  • change order proposal
  • change order request
  • chapel
  • charette
  • charrette
  • chatri
  • chattri
  • check valve
  • chevron
  • chimera
  • chimney
  • chimney stacks and bundles
  • chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based refrigerant
  • chresmographion
  • church
  • cincture
  • cinquecento
  • cippus
  • circuit
  • circuit breaker
  • circulation
  • circulation network
  • civil twilight
  • class "A"
  • class "C"
  • classical architecture
  • classical figurative statuary
  • classroom or core learning space
  • clean waste
  • clear glazing
  • cleithral
  • clerestory
  • cloister
  • closed bid/estimate
  • closed-loop cooling
  • co
  • codes
  • coffer
  • colarin
  • cold air return
  • collar beam
  • colonial kitchen
  • colonnade
  • color rendering index
  • column
  • combination oven discharge
  • combined heat and power
  • combustion air
  • commingled waste
  • commissioning (Cx)
  • commissioning authority (CxA)
  • community greens
  • compluvium
  • composite order
  • compressor
  • concept
  • concrete
  • concretization
  • condensate line
  • condensing unit
  • conductivity
  • conduit
  • cone-shaped roof
  • confluences
  • conscious city
  • construct
  • construction
  • construction cost
  • construction document review
  • construction documents
  • construction documents phase
  • construction impact zone
  • construction management
  • construction management contract
  • construction phase
  • consultant
  • contemporary
  • context
  • contract
  • contract administration
  • contract bond
  • contract documents
  • contract over-run (under-run)
  • contract payment bond
  • contract performance bond
  • contract period
  • contract sum
  • contract time
  • contracting officer
  • contractor
  • contractor's option
  • contractor's qualification statement
  • contractual liability
  • contrast
  • control joint
  • conurbation
  • conventional irrigation
  • cooling load
  • cooling tower blowdown
  • coping
  • corbel
  • corbusian
  • corinthian order
  • corner braces
  • cornice
  • cornice molding
  • corona
  • corridor
  • cortile
  • cost codes
  • cost of work
  • cost plus fee agreement
  • counter flashing
  • counterfort
  • court
  • courtyard
  • covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R)
  • coving
  • cradle-to-gate assessment
  • crawl space
  • create/provide a gesture
  • crenellation
  • cresting
  • cricket
  • critical path
  • critical path method
  • cromlech
  • cross bracing
  • cross bridging
  • cross tee
  • cross-wing
  • crypt
  • cryptoporticus
  • csi
  • csi master format
  • cul-de-sac
  • cull
  • cultural landscape
  • cuneus
  • cupola
  • curate
  • cure
  • curlicue
  • current date line
  • current facilities requirements (CFR)
  • curtain wall
  • curvilinear
  • customer
  • cyma recta
  • cymatium
  • cyrto-style
  • dado
  • daily construction report
  • date of agreement
  • date of commencement of the work
  • date of substantial completion
  • datum
  • dead load
  • deconstruction
  • decorative motif
  • dedicated storage
  • demand response (DR)
  • demand response (DR) event
  • demising walls
  • demountable partition
  • densely occupied space
  • density
  • dentals
  • denticulation
  • departmental gross area (DGA)
  • design
  • design-build construction
  • design-construct contract
  • design-development phase
  • detail
  • development footprint
  • device
  • diagrammatic
  • diamond-paned windows
  • dian
  • diastyle
  • diaulos
  • diazoma
  • dichotomy
  • differential durability
  • dikka
  • dimension
  • direct access
  • direct cost
  • direct sunlight
  • dissonance
  • district energy system (DES)
  • distyle in antis
  • diverse use
  • dodecastyle
  • dolmen
  • dome
  • domesticity
  • doric order
  • dormer
  • dormer window
  • dosseret
  • double doors
  • double-hung sash windows
  • dougong
  • downspout
  • downstream equipment
  • draw
  • drawings
  • drift
  • dromos
  • drywall
  • duality
  • durable goods
  • durable goods waste stream
  • duration
  • dynamic
  • easement
  • eave return
  • eaves
  • eclectic
  • eclecticism
  • edge city
  • egress
  • ekistics
  • elbow roomers
  • electric vehicle supply equipment
  • electrical rough
  • electrical trim
  • electronic waste
  • elemental mercury
  • elevation
  • elizabethan architecture
  • emergency lighting
  • employment center
  • enclosure
  • energy service provider
  • enfilade
  • enfilade
  • engaged column
  • engineered nanomaterial
  • entablature
  • entasis
  • environmental product declaration
  • ephebeum
  • ephemeral
  • epinaos
  • ergonomics
  • esoteric
  • estimate
  • estimate of construction cost
  • estimating
  • estrade
  • eustyle
  • evapotranspiration
  • excavation
  • exedra
  • expansion joint
  • explores the notion
  • exposed rafters
  • extended producer responsibility
  • extensive vegetated roof
  • exterior vegetated surface area
  • external meter
  • extrapolate
  • exurbia
  • fabric
  • fabrication
  • facade
  • facade
  • facadism
  • facility or site analysis
  • fan light
  • fascia
  • fast track construction
  • fenestration
  • feretory
  • ff&e
  • field
  • field order
  • field work order
  • figure
  • figure-ground
  • final acceptance
  • final inspection
  • final payment
  • finial
  • finish date
  • fire rated
  • fire retardant chemical
  • fire-stop
  • fireplace surround
  • fixed fee
  • fixed limit of construction costs
  • flared roof
  • flashing
  • floating
  • floating wall
  • floor
  • floor area ratio
  • floor plan
  • floor-area ratio (FAR)
  • flushwork
  • fluting
  • flying buttress
  • flying rib
  • flâneur
  • folly
  • foot-stall
  • footprint
  • form
  • formal
  • formeret
  • formwork
  • forum
  • foundation
  • foundation drain
  • foundation ties
  • free-flowing floor plan
  • freight village
  • french baroque architecture
  • french doors
  • fresco
  • frieze
  • functional entry
  • furniture and furnishings
  • fused grid
  • gable
  • gable roof
  • gablets
  • gadrooning
  • galleria
  • gallerie
  • gallery
  • galletting
  • gambrel roof
  • gantt chart
  • garbha-griha
  • gargoyle
  • garret
  • gauged brickwork
  • gazebo
  • geison
  • general conditions
  • general contracting
  • general contractor
  • generative
  • genius loci
  • gentrification
  • geodesic dome
  • gestalt
  • gestalt psychology
  • gesture
  • gingerbreading
  • girder
  • golden section
  • gopura
  • grade
  • grain
  • grams per brake horsepower hour
  • graywater
  • green belt
  • green infrastructure
  • green power
  • green vehicles
  • greenfield
  • greenfield land
  • greyfield land
  • grid
  • grid plan
  • grilles
  • groin vault
  • gross Floor Area (GFA)
  • gross bulk generation
  • gross local generation
  • grotto
  • ground
  • hacienda
  • haiden
  • half-timbering
  • hall
  • hardscape
  • hardware
  • harmonic progression
  • harmony
  • hashira
  • hazardous material
  • heat island effect
  • heat rough
  • heat trim
  • heating load
  • hegemony
  • herculaneum and pompeii
  • hierarchy
  • hierarchy
  • highway
  • hipped roof
  • hippodrome
  • historic building
  • historic district
  • holistic
  • homogeneous
  • homogeneous material
  • hood molding
  • hot-mopped asphalt for roofing
  • how the ____ is received by the ____
  • human scale
  • hybrid
  • hydrozone
  • hypostyle hall
  • i-beam
  • iconic
  • illuminance
  • impervious surface
  • improvements
  • in antis
  • incised linear shapes
  • indemnification
  • independent contractor
  • indirect cost
  • individual occupant space
  • industrial process water
  • infill
  • infill site
  • infiltration
  • informal transit
  • infrared (thermal) emittance 
  • inpatient
  • inpatient unit
  • inspection
  • inspection for disbursement of funds
  • inspection list
  • inspection report
  • inspector
  • inspiration
  • integral labeling
  • integrated pest management
  • integrated project delivery
  • intensive vegetated roof
  • intercolumniation
  • interfenestration
  • interior finish
  • interior floor finish
  • interior wall and ceiling finish
  • interiority/exteriority
  • interlaced arches
  • intermodal facility
  • interstitial
  • interstitial
  • interstitial space
  • intrados
  • invasive plant
  • invoice
  • ionic order
  • isovist
  • it annual energy
  • iteration
  • iwan
  • jack arch
  • jacobean
  • jagati
  • jami masjid
  • jettied story
  • jettying
  • jigsaw
  • joinery
  • joist
  • juxtaposition
  • ka‘ba
  • keystone
  • kitsch
  • kondo
  • labor and material payment bond
  • lacunar
  • lamp
  • lamp life
  • land trust
  • land-clearing debris and soil
  • landscape water requirement (LWR)
  • language
  • lantern
  • latticework
  • lead-free
  • leasehold improvements
  • least-risk pesticide
  • legibility
  • length of stay
  • lien release
  • lien waiver
  • lien, mechanic's or material
  • life-cycle assessment
  • life-cycle inventory
  • light pollution
  • light rail
  • light trespass
  • lightning rod
  • liminal
  • linga
  • lingdao
  • lintel
  • live load
  • load bearing wall
  • load shedding
  • loculus
  • loggia
  • long-term bicycle storage
  • louver
  • low-cost improvement
  • low-impact development (LID)
  • lumens
  • lump sum bid
  • lump sum contract
  • lunette
  • madrasah
  • major renovation
  • makeup water
  • manage (rainwater) on site
  • mandala
  • mandapa
  • mansard roof
  • mansionization
  • map out
  • marriage stone
  • mascaron
  • masonry
  • mass
  • massing
  • massing
  • mastaba
  • master plan boundary
  • materiality
  • mausoleum
  • mean lumen output
  • meander
  • medical furnishing
  • meeting attendance form
  • meeting notes
  • megalith
  • megaron
  • menhir
  • metaphor
  • metering control
  • mezzanine
  • miesian
  • mihrab
  • milestone
  • millwork
  • minaret
  • mirador
  • missing middle housing
  • mixed paper
  • model
  • modillion
  • modular
  • modular and movable casework
  • module
  • molding
  • moment
  • monastery
  • monolith
  • monolithic
  • monopost
  • monotriglyph
  • morphology
  • mosque
  • motifs
  • mounting height
  • movable furniture and partitions
  • mullion
  • multitenant complex
  • muntin
  • muntins
  • muqarnas
  • mural
  • mutule
  • mylar
  • naed code
  • naos
  • narthex
  • native vegetation
  • natural refrigerant
  • natural resources conservation service (NRCS) soils delineation
  • natural site hydrology
  • nave
  • nec (National Electrical Code)
  • necropolis
  • negative/positive space
  • net usable program area
  • new suburbanism
  • new urbanism
  • newel
  • niche
  • nimby
  • nodes
  • non-inpatient area
  • non-regularly occupied space
  • nonbearing wall
  • nonpotable water
  • nonwater toilet systems
  • nonwater urinal
  • nuance
  • nuraghe
  • obelisk
  • oc (On Center)
  • occupant control
  • occupiable space
  • occupied space
  • oculus
  • ogee arch
  • on-site wastewater treatment
  • ongoing consumable
  • open bid/estimate
  • open-grid pavement system
  • openable window area
  • operations and maintenance (O&M) plan
  • order
  • organic
  • oriel
  • orientation
  • ornamental luminaire
  • orthographic
  • orthostates
  • orthostyle
  • out growth
  • outdoor room
  • outpatient
  • outrigger
  • over-hanging rafters
  • overdevelopment
  • owner
  • owner-architect agreement
  • owner-builder
  • owner-construction agreement
  • owner-construction management agreement
  • owner’s project requirements (OPR)
  • pagoda
  • pailou
  • palaestra
  • palazzo
  • palimpsest
  • palladian motif
  • panel
  • panopticon
  • pantheon
  • paradigm
  • parallax
  • parametric
  • parapet
  • parclose screen
  • parterre
  • parti
  • parti
  • partition
  • passage grave
  • pastiche
  • patient position
  • patio
  • pavilion
  • peak demand
  • peak watering month
  • pedestal
  • pediment
  • pelmet
  • pendentive
  • penetrate
  • performance bond
  • performance specifications
  • performative
  • pergola
  • peripteral
  • peristyle
  • permaculture
  • permanent interior obstruction
  • permanent peak load shifting
  • permeability
  • permeable pavement
  • persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical
  • pert
  • pert schedule
  • phenomenology
  • piano nobile
  • piazza
  • picturesque
  • pier
  • pilaster
  • pillar
  • piloti
  • pilotis
  • pitch
  • place of respite
  • placemaking
  • plan
  • plan checker
  • plan view
  • planceer
  • planner
  • plans
  • plate girder
  • platonic solid
  • play with
  • plaza
  • plinth
  • plug load or receptacle load
  • plumbing rough
  • plumbing trim
  • plvi
  • poché
  • podium
  • pods
  • pointed arch
  • poppyheads
  • porch
  • portcullis
  • porte-cochère
  • portico
  • post
  • post-and-beam
  • post-industrial
  • postconsumer recycled content
  • postern
  • potable water
  • poteaux-en-terre
  • power distribution unit output
  • power utilization effectiveness (PUE)
  • powered floor maintenance equipment
  • pre-construction planning and team building
  • pre-qualification of prospective bidders
  • precast
  • preconsumer recycled content
  • predecessor
  • preferred parking
  • preliminary drawings
  • preliminary lien notice
  • premature obsolescence
  • previously developed
  • previously developed site
  • previously disturbed
  • prick post
  • prime farmland
  • private meter
  • pro style
  • process energy
  • process load or unregulated load
  • process water
  • procession
  • product (permanently installed building product)
  • program
  • programmatic adjacencies
  • project electrical load
  • projection
  • promenade
  • proportion
  • propylaeum
  • propylon
  • protected view
  • proud
  • proxemics
  • pseudodipteral
  • pteroma
  • public realm
  • public water supply (PWS)
  • pueblo
  • pycnostyle
  • pylon
  • pyramid
  • qibla
  • quadriporticus
  • quoin
  • rafters
  • rainwater harvesting
  • rake
  • rampart
  • rath
  • ratio
  • raw material
  • rear vault
  • rebate
  • reclaimed water
  • rectilinear
  • recycled content
  • redundancy
  • reentrant
  • reference evapotranspiration rate
  • reference soil
  • refurbished material
  • regenerate
  • regionalism
  • regular
  • regularly occupied space
  • regularly used exterior entrance
  • regulated load
  • remanufactured product
  • renewable energy
  • renewable energy credit (REC)
  • repetition
  • return
  • reuse
  • reused area
  • revenue-grade meter
  • revolving door
  • rhythm
  • rib vault
  • ribbon development
  • ridge board
  • road verge
  • robust
  • roof
  • roof comb
  • roof ridge
  • roofline
  • room
  • rotunda
  • round-arched window
  • roundel
  • rubble brick
  • rustication
  • sDA300/50%
  • saltbox roof
  • salvaged material
  • sanctuary
  • sash
  • scale
  • schism
  • school authority
  • scope 1 emissions
  • scope 2 emissions
  • scroll
  • sculptural forms
  • section
  • segmental arch
  • semiotics
  • sequence
  • servant space
  • served space
  • server input
  • service life
  • setback
  • setback (land use)
  • shared multioccupant space
  • shell space
  • shell structure
  • shoro
  • short-term bicycle storage
  • shrine
  • shutters
  • side light
  • sikhara
  • sill
  • simple box energy modeling analysis
  • simultaneity
  • site assessment
  • site master plan
  • skin
  • slate
  • smart city
  • soft space
  • softscape
  • solar garden/community renewable energy system
  • solar reflectance (SR)
  • solar reflectance index (SRI)
  • solarium
  • solid
  • solid/void
  • sound-level coverage
  • source reduction
  • space
  • space
  • spandrel
  • spatial composition
  • spatial daylight autonomy (sDA)
  • speech privacy
  • speech spectra
  • spire
  • springer
  • squinch
  • squint
  • stained glass
  • stair
  • stalactite work
  • stasis
  • steeple
  • stele
  • stereotomic
  • stickwork
  • stoa
  • stoop
  • story
  • streetcar
  • striated brick
  • stringcourse
  • strollology
  • structure
  • stucco
  • stupa
  • stylobate
  • sunburst
  • superimpose
  • sustainability
  • symbol
  • symbology
  • symmetry
  • synagogue
  • synekism
  • systems manual
  • systyle
  • ta
  • tactical urbanism
  • taxonomy
  • technical Release (TR) 55
  • technology
  • tectonics
  • tectonics
  • temenos
  • tensile structure
  • terminating vista
  • terrace
  • tetrastyle
  • thatched roof
  • thermal emittance
  • third place
  • tholos
  • three-year aged SR
  • threshold
  • threshold
  • tile inset
  • tile roof
  • timber framing
  • time-of-use pricing
  • tokonoma
  • topography
  • torana
  • torii
  • tower
  • trabeate
  • tracery
  • traditional ethos
  • transept
  • transient
  • transom light
  • transparency/opacity
  • trellis
  • trullo
  • truncated
  • truss
  • turret
  • tuscan order
  • tympanum
  • typology
  • uSDA Organic
  • undercover parking
  • undercroft
  • uniformity
  • uniformity
  • uninterruptible power supply (UPS) output
  • unity
  • universal waste
  • unoccupied space
  • upstream equipment
  • urban acupuncture
  • urban prairie
  • urbicide
  • urban void
  • vancouverism
  • vault
  • veranda
  • vernacular
  • vernacular architecture
  • vertical illuminance
  • verticality
  • vestibule
  • victorian era
  • viewshed
  • vihara
  • villa
  • vision glazing
  • void
  • volume
  • volute
  • voussoir
  • wainscot
  • walkability
  • walkability
  • walking distance
  • wall
  • waste diversion
  • waste-to-energy
  • wastewater
  • wat
  • water body
  • water budget
  • wet meter
  • wetland
  • wildlife corridor
  • window sash
  • wood
  • wooden clapboards
  • wooden shingles
  • xeriscaping
  • yard tractor
  • yimby
  • zaguan
  • zeitgeist
  • zero lot line project
  • ziggurat
  • zone of transition


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